Löven de Leuven




🕗 horaire

7, Parijsstraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 16 90 15 66
site web: lasagnerie-loven.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8789129, Longitude: 4.699525

commentaires 5

  • daniĂ«l Nys

    daniël Nys


    Een zeer gezellig specifiek restaurant met een vlotte uitbater ligt verstopt in de Parijsstraat in Leuven. Ga er zeker eens langs voor uitstekende lasagne. Bovendien bezit het ook een van de kleinste hotels in Europa.

  • Lennert Toeback

    Lennert Toeback


    Top ervaring! We bestelde via Deliveroo, alles kwam lekker warm aan! Lasagne met kabeljauw was onze keuze! Ze noemen hem beter Lasagne KabelWAUW! 😉

  • Annelies BRONCKAERS

    Annelies BRONCKAERS


    Restaurant gespecialiseerd in lasagna. Ze hebben ongeveer 10 soorten en je kan kiezen tussen een kleine of een heel grote portie. Leuk en gezellig maar niet heel speciaal.

  • en

    Nikhil Pandya


    The vegetarian lasagna was far too dry. The service seemed rushed and was extremely eager to close shop by 9:30 pm. so much so that they picked up plates that were not finished. We had ordered a bread, which never arrived and these guys do not serve water from the tap (we had ordered a bottle of wine). Two stars, only because the salad was decent.

  • Ilse van Ewijk

    Ilse van Ewijk


    I am a Leuven-native but have been living in the US for a few years now. Every couple of years I make a trip home to visit friends and family. During that time I like to rediscover my hometown and see what's new. The Lasagnerie was definitely on my list since it made a few newspapers when it opened. I was recommended to make a reservation, which turns out was a good tip since all tables did fill up later on the evening. The crowd was a mix between locals as well as students, which is to be expected with such a central location. We were greeted in a friendly manner upon arrival and could pick a table to our liking either inside or out. The interior is cozy, yet modern with little accents left and right. The menu itself of course features lasagnas, though there are quite a few different flavors to choose from such as meat, fish, veggies and a seasonal one (pumpkin and bacon for autumn). Each one has a wine pairing suggestion as well. All of us picked different flavors and we loved it. Prices are very reasonable considering that you are in the city center and are receiving food made with fresh ingredients along with carefully selected wines. Definitely worth a visit to get your Garfield on!

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