Louise Gallery Event Hall in Ixelles

BelgiëLouise Gallery Event Hall


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

32, Avenue Louise, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 473 31 17 31
website: www.louisegallery.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.834594, Longitude: 4.3573633

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Alain Jeffry Eugene


    Nice place very close to the Metro

  • Bini Toffefee

    Bini Toffefee


    Super unfriendly security guy, ultra agressive and rude. I would not trust this person with any security issues. Shame on the security company for employing people, you dont feel secure with! The gallery is very much dead and ugly. On the other hand it is a perfect passage when it is raining or freezing to get from the Boulevard de waterloo to Avenue Louise ....

  • en

    valentin de beir


    (Speaking of the club under) A really nice place. Alcool is not that expensive compared to other club in Brussels. The variety of concert they offer is really nice. Went there for alan walker, and I had a wonderfull time.

  • Adam Brand

    Adam Brand


    A place for indoor shopping with decent surroundings.

  • Sazzad Alam

    Sazzad Alam



Winkelcentrum in de buurt

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