Lord of Ghent in Gent

BelgiëLord of Ghent



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
6B, Sint-Niklaasstraat, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE BĂ©lgica
contacten telefoon: +32 470 65 49 27
website: lord-of-ghent.business.site
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.0534495, Longitude: 3.7231742

opmerkingen 3

  • Rudy Roan

    Rudy Roan


    MASONS’ GUILD HALL “Staying in an illustrious 16th-century building, overlooking the gorgeous city center of Ghent – an unforgettable experience ...” Ghent at its most beautiful To sleep as angels in a four-poster bed, to roll fully relaxed in satin sheets, whilst enjoying the afterglow of the delights and the pleasant city strolling: la douce France in Ghent. DĂ©licieux, non !? Not just a historic building Experience the ecstatic feeling of staying in the Masons’ Guild Hall, one of Belgium’s most historic properties. Once upon a time this mansion was a wealthy city house, which had accommodated the notorious Masons’ Guild during the Middle Ages. Now, after a hypermodern renovation and refurbishing, the property can be rented as a loft apartment, both for personal or business purposes. Splendor and praise within walking distance Geographically the Masons’ Guild Hall is unique in its kind. The building is situated on a stone’s throw from the Korenmarkt and the iconic Graslei. Accordingly the Ghent city center, which is full of life, can be explored on foot, lounging along the splendid terraces and the delicious eating-houses. Old and new go hand in hand Carefully, while maintaining its architectural value, the Masons’ Guild Hall was transformed into an exclusive loft apartment, as if neo-Gothic and Renaissance are alternately flirting with the high-tech home automation of Modernism. So do not hesitate and bestow yourself to be bewildered by this synergy and charm. Fairy from head to toe The luxuriously furnished loft apartment is equipped with all the comforts, including user-friendly home automation. The loft includes a cozy reading corner, a modular living-room and dining area (with designer kitchen) and the sleeping area next to the bathroom (with rain shower). Last but not least, the natural stone terrace offers breathtaking views of the Ghent’ skyline with its many towers. Welcome ! The Masons’ Guild Hall guarantees elevated enjoyment ... quiet and in peace. If desired, the BOSE music system can delight your mind, everywhere and (of course) with excellent acoustics. Customized chilling for an unforgettable overnight stay – surely to be revisited once you’ve been there. WOW! Wat een toplocatie in Gent om te overnachten. Slaapgelegenheid tot 6 pers, eten met 10. Historisch Centrum van Gent. Indrukwekkend, stijlvol, gracieus in Ă©Ă©n van de mooiste panden van Gent, het oude Metselaarshuis.

  • nl

    viviane jolie


    Unieke locatie in het hartje van Gent, ideaal om daar met vrienden of familie te vertoeven, met zeer veel smaak ingericht en prachtig uitzicht op het Belfort en Sint-Baafskathedraal. Een echte topper!!!

  • nl

    Dominique Mertens


    Top locatie in Gent om te overnachten met vrienden of met het hele gezin. Met zicht op het Belfort. De wondermooie inrichting met de kleuren zwart, rood en wit is splinternieuw.

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