L’Imaige Nostre-Dame in Bruxelles

BelgiëL’Imaige Nostre-Dame



🕗 openingstijden

8, Rue du Marché aux Herbes, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 497 91 54 15
website: www.imaigenostredame.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8482853, Longitude: 4.3521264

opmerkingen 5

  • Wojciech Kotlarski

    Wojciech Kotlarski


    A great bar, with very friendly staff. Due to its location, it is more quiet and cozy than bars on the street, which allows to enjoy more the beer and conversation with friends.

  • en

    Heather Yates


    Great little bar off a small alleyway. It's cosy and the other patrons are very friendly, which makes for a warm atmosphere. Prices are decent. We enjoyed our visit until the live "music" started. Nice place to visit for a pint!

  • en

    krish govinden


    Very old bar with one of us falling down after sitting in a broken chair. The staff changed us extra for beers that we did not have and even after continuously repeating what we ordered they still gave us an incorrect bill but by the time we realised, we were already back to our hotel.. Make sure to check you are getting charged for what you ordered before paying..

  • Patrick VanB

    Patrick VanB


    very typical old bar in Brussels. at the end of a small street (the gift street), you discover this very old place. outside seating exist, but not very funny. inside, very funny old café. à lot of beer here, and some special one per week. it's possible to have a plate of cheese or sausage. very often crowded. for the historical point of view it's great to go there

  • lana constanti-nova

    lana constanti-nova


    I was there in June 2014 with my friend from Brussels who introduced me to this place. To my surprise next to our table there was a bunch of my country fellows from Russia. I hadn't really met anyone in Belgium as my visit as a short one. I remember Professor Vladimir who was from France he said. Just wanted to pass hello. And thank you for such a wonderful cosy place with lovely smiles, exquisite beers and yummy cheese platter all made that night unforgettable. Your place is like a little charming piece of memories from the fairytale. Svet/Lana.

Bar in de buurt

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