Lidl in Bruxelles




🕗 openingstijden

26, Rue Van Artevelde, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 800 73 520
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.848324, Longitude: 4.346992

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Christian Stahn


    Going several times per week, but at late hours, it is always hard to get what you want, because it might be sold out (especially vegetables)

  • Konstantin Hierl

    Konstantin Hierl


    One of the greatest Lidls I have ever been to and I know what I am talking about. It is rare nowadays to still find the great Finkbräu, but this store has it. Of course this is why it gets a bit crowded sometimes but the wait is absolutely worth it! What a time to be alive!

  • Rimvydas Vainutis

    Rimvydas Vainutis


    Crowded in the evening. Good prices, has promos. Many junk food.

  • Calvin Chow

    Calvin Chow


    If you are from the UK, this Lidl store have a comparatively different layout and store offerings. There are no 1 kg chicken drumsticks or thigh packaging equivalent here, and the prices are quite expensive. Here, the milk is sold in UHT carton and not refrigerated. On the other hand, they sell a variety of sausages as well.

  • Désiré Nwaobasi

    Désiré Nwaobasi


    You are in and out quickly. This store has fresh produce and most household necessities. Check out for products on sale, your wallet will thank you.

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