Lidl de Ixelles




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138, Chaussée de Wavre, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 800 73 520
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8362477, Longitude: 4.3682989

commentaires 5

  • Carlos Parrini

    Carlos Parrini


    Very good prices

  • Michael Michaelides

    Michael Michaelides


    As any Lidl. A bit small and understock but still okay

  • Roypim Vichitphorn

    Roypim Vichitphorn


    Cheap local product great quality. More like look alike brands but its local and i compare different chips with branded chips. Funny that look alile local snacks are better. The price is half price of normal supermarket here.

  • Patrick VanB

    Patrick VanB


    not the best Lidl in town, but very useful when you cross it. a little bit small and not all the product are presents. very often crowdy, and you spend a lot of time at the cashiers. the bread is good, baked in the shop. some times, promotion are there. the parking is awful, go there by foot.

  • en

    raphael liautaud


    Good products, great prices for the area. Cleanliness 7/10 which is pretty good compared to other supermarkets around. Service is fast enough

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