Les Nuits De Cham in Bruxelles

BelgiëLes Nuits De Cham



🕗 openingstijden

14, Rue Marie-Christine, 1020, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 486 78 78 80
website: www.nuitsdecham.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8735597, Longitude: 4.3582797

opmerkingen 5

  • Rob Boemen

    Rob Boemen


    This is a fantastic restaurant. High value food for a really good price. The staff is super friendly and I cannot wait to visit this place again when I am back in Brussels.

  • Bunny



    This was a very nice place to eat. The workers are helpful, friendly and generous people. The food was also great, we ordered BBQ and we all loved it. Afterwards they gave us tea and dessert (on them). Which added to the generosity. Its open till late. As for the parking, there are spots available in the street although you have to be lucky, with all the other stores and restaurants in the street. Either way, it's worth it. Thumbs up.

  • en

    amir abbas


    Grat syrian barbeque food Good service And generous people Green tea and dessert were free 😃😄

  • Rustom Behnam

    Rustom Behnam


    Super delicious food. Worth the price. very nice stuff.

  • gogu mishu

    gogu mishu


    Tasty Syrian food, moderate prices, big portions. If you are a health freak don't go there. Service are smiling only if forced maybe.. . Although Not tourist friendly / oriented you can have a good time of you don't care too much about it.

Restaurant in de buurt

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