Les brusseloises in Brussel

BelgiëLes brusseloises



🕗 openingstijden

13 & 17, Lebeaustraat, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 265 67 89
website: lesbrusseloises.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.842912, Longitude: 4.354543

opmerkingen 5

  • Catalina Jitaru-Potorac

    Catalina Jitaru-Potorac


  • Nataly Smile

    Nataly Smile


    Excellent shop! Very colorful and beautiful, nice music, people were very nice. Totally recommend. The creators are the ones who sell in the shop, was very nice to meet them! Love Les Brusseloises

  • en

    Thomas Chullikal


    Lovely boutique with a wide range of out of mainstream and classy designs. Very nice atmosphere and friendly creators as staff. Opened on Sundays which is a big plus. Heartily recommended.

  • fr

    Pablo CG


    Magnifique boutique près de la place du Sablon faisant la part belle aux créateurs Belges et Bruxellois, a visiter!

  • daniel rodriguez

    daniel rodriguez


    Nice Shop, browsing through the window for buying some presents we decided to go in ( at 11:30am) but shop assistant came running to the door saying they were closed, and closed the door in our faces. Not sure if because we are two men and got freaked out. But what can I say ... As in pretty woman BIG MISTAKE, BIG, HUGE

Kledingwinkel in de buurt

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