Les Brassins de Ixelles

BelgiqueLes Brassins



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36, Rue Keyenveld, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 2 512 69 99
site web: www.lesbrassins.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8351164, Longitude: 4.3612003

commentaires 5

  • en

    Kate McHugh


    Loved this little place! My husband and I walked in at 9:30pm on a Saturday night and they were able to seat us right away without a reservation. We both got the specials and it was delicious, french-inspired food for a decent price. The staff were very friendly and we felt cozy and enjoyed our evening. I'm not sure if this is the normal, or if it was just on the night, but they didn't have a card machine so we did have to run around the corner to find cash. Something to keep in mind if you're considering a trip!

  • Martin Lobet

    Martin Lobet


    In a nice and quiet street. Typical Belgian food. Everybody enjoyed it and the prices were acceptable. €15 to 20 per dish. One of the waitress could smile a little bit more though

  • en

    Olena de Paeuw


    I was want eat one dessert 10€ and drink something.... they said me Its restaurant for eat here . And dessert i will not eat it or what? So they not accept me because i will eat only dessert and drink with my friends who should arrive later to me. I was really in shock simply! Or its i something not understand in this restaurant. Or they are simply not kindly people here

  • it



    Trattoria tipica, abbastanza rumorosa, tavoli piccoli, bella atmosfera. Molto belle le vecchie pubblicitĂ  di birre alle pareti. Ho preso un ottimo petto d'anatra, lo consiglio vivamente, anche se era un po' freddo. Una delle migliori trattorie a Bruxelles per la proposta di birre, originale e ampia, senza i soliti marchi delle multinazionali. Ci tornerĂČ.

  • pl

    Tomasz Kulikowski


    smaczne tradycyjne jedzenie. dosc drogie piwo

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