Lecomte - Mountaineering and Hiking Ixelles de Ixelles

BelgiqueLecomte - Mountaineering and Hiking Ixelles



🕗 horaire

27, Rue de Vergnies, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 640 58 20
site web: www.lecomte-alpirando.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.82887, Longitude: 4.371626

commentaires 5

  • Saurabh Dass

    Saurabh Dass


    Great store, with selection from all brands. Needs a bit of organization around the backpack area to make sure there's more room for customers

  • masao toda

    masao toda


    I got a lot of climbing gear at this store. They are very kind and their explanation is polite.

  • en

    Jordan Becker


    Good products, friendly staff, and fair prices for the area.

  • en

    Joost Van Duppen


    people with knowledge, quality and mostly less expensive if you've a fidelity card that you can ask for free. Only one star less cause I bought a solar panel that never worked, I asked for remboursement but it took 4 months to handle with them and them with the company.

  • Klaas De Schouwer

    Klaas De Schouwer


    Went here for climbing shoes, the guy is nice but tries to sell you the more expensive ones from one particular brand.

Camping la plus proche

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