Le Joli Bois de Waterloo

BelgiqueLe Joli Bois


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59, Rue Sainte-Anne, 1410, Waterloo, Brabant Wallon, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 353 18 18
site web: www.hoteljolibois.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.6958399, Longitude: 4.4091671

commentaires 5

  • en

    Marie-Bernard Enthoven


    There was noone at the reception when we arrived -had to callfrom my foreign number, we got stuck in the elevator and had to call again with my foreign cell - flush was not working properly. Not recommended

  • en

    Tom Willemsen


    Not very great, very shabby look, not very clean, very outdated and a strange smell.

  • Victoria Chaaya

    Victoria Chaaya


    I give 4 because of the pleasant people and classy behavior. Room cleaning daily, Wifi, tasty breakfast buffet, TV, cozy and calm view to work and/ or disconnect and/or get romantic. Nice bar and restaurant. Beautiful calm area. However make sure u have all you want before 6 pm because staff finish at this hour, no night shift included.

  • en

    Riccard Bigu


    Lovely hotel situated in a quiet leafy suburb of Waterloo. Excellent rooms. Bar and restaurant seemingly not open although dining area for a superb breakfast was. I give 4 stars due to the lack of a warm welcome, receiption was unmanned and we had to ascertain via an intercom that there was a code for the entrance and our room key along with numerous others were in envelopes on a table. This may sound a bit nit picky but I for one expect a human face and a warm welcome. This said I would visit again.

  • Michael Nicholas

    Michael Nicholas


    Was on a working trip. The staff seemed quite pleasant.

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