Le Grand Cafe Belfort de Brugge

BelgiqueLe Grand Cafe Belfort



🕗 horaire

25, Markt, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 50 33 22 62
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.2091117, Longitude: 3.2236906

commentaires 5

  • nl

    Nancy Schilder


    Eten echt niet goed. Mayo brachten ze niet na gevraagd te hebben. We wilden tegen wil en dank tóch nog een ijsje en kopje thee. Maar na 20 min gezeten te hebben zonder geholpen te worden vonden we hem best en zijn we weg gegaan na betaling vd rekening. Geen aanrader.

  • Ricky Dowsett

    Ricky Dowsett


    The atmosphere/music was relaxing and casual. The service was good. A great variety in the menu - I would definitely recommend the cheese croquettes to start and the beef stew as a main.

  • en

    Paul Stevens


    Fantastic sole with curry cream sauce and fantastic filet with peppercorn sauce. The chocolate mousse and the ice cream were great, too. The staff is very friendly and helpful. We really enjoyed our meal, and the restaurant has wonderful atmosphere. Would highly recommend.

  • en

    Lex' Bells Ding Ding Ding


    Service was amazing! Waiters were very kind, informative and professional. As for the food that was even better!! They had a wide range of different foods which was always cooked quickly and very well done. I highly recommend for all tourists and locals! :)

  • pl

    Ar Tur


    Najgorsza zagraniczna restauracja w jakiej bylem. Grupa 12 osob i wszyscy bylismy niezadowoleni. Niemily serwis, drogo, posilki pomylone i np krwisty sznylec w panierce czy odgrzewany w mikrofali makaron. Odradzam.

Restaurant la plus proche

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