Le Comptoir de Mathilde in Bruxelles

BelgiëLe Comptoir de Mathilde



🕗 openingstijden

17, Rue au Beurre, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Bélgica
contacten telefoon: +32 2 503 33 98
website: www.lecomptoirdemathilde.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8476134, Longitude: 4.3512836

opmerkingen 5

  • ko



    직원이 친절했다. 가게가 이뻐서 들어갔는데 가격이..ㅠㅠ 핫초코스틱 6개에 20유로. 선물용으로 구매함! 다른 초콜렛이나 잼등 다양한 상품이 있다.

  • en

    pradeep chavan


    A unique Belgian chocolate shop with artisan chocolates and creativity was hot chocolate on stick with different flavors and some with alcohol infused straight to put in hot milk and stir for real creamy choclaty drink and lot bars and individual choclate rocks where there to sell.

  • Rae Lovell

    Rae Lovell


    This is a wonderful chocolate shop. I read it was the best place to buy Belgian chocolate and I agree. You can choose perfect gifts or use their self service bar to choose which pieces of chocolate you'd like to try. I recommend to caramel balls. You can also get hot chocolate made fresh. They give you a cup of water cup and you choose your stir in flavor, it is delicious! Mathidles is a must see.

  • Martin Specht

    Martin Specht


    Ein sehr ausgefallenes Schokoladengeschäft für Belgien. Man bekommt auch "untypische " Dinge wie Essig und Konfitüre sowie HOME MADE Schokoladen-Creme in vielfältigen Variationen ( ohne Palm-Öl ). Selbst Handschellen (Schoko) und "pikante" Schokoartikel sind hier zu finden. Auf jeden Fall einen Besuch einplanen - es lohnt sich

  • ko

    Hyemin Yoo


    맛있어요. 이왕 사는거 예쁘고 맛있는거 사려구 왔어요. 가게두 아기자기하고 친절하네요. 선물용으로 추천~~

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