Landal Kasteeldomein de Cauberg de Valkenburg

BelgiqueLandal Kasteeldomein de Cauberg



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Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
29, Cauberg, 6301 BT, Valkenburg, Valkenburg aan de Geul, NL Netherlands
contact téléphone: +31 43 458 3590
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8574859, Longitude: 5.8220988

commentaires 5

  • Mathilde Noordzy

    Mathilde Noordzy


    Beautiful park, very cozy, well maintained, friendly and lovely environment. Name could be more clearly displayed for first time visitors. Easy access. Clean, spacious and warm. Feels like home straight away.

  • Mick Tyrrell

    Mick Tyrrell


    Great place in a handy location. Valkenberg caves and Christmas Market, plenty of restaurants all within 500m

  • Sebastiaan Zeeff

    Sebastiaan Zeeff


    Everything is well-maintained, the staff is friendly and the location is really nice. The houses are well equipped, although that's to be expected for the fee you pay. The few downsides are that it's a bit expensive and that everything is basically one big unimaginative copy-paste (every house is similar and basically looks the exactly the same).

  • mayling man

    mayling man


    We all had good time there even my husband for the first and he use sauna also for first . Everything is near by .it's very friendly for dogs Amy had good time too.

  • Sebastiaan Meijer

    Sebastiaan Meijer


    The park itself was nice, but the house design was pretty badly thought out. We had a 6p house. There's 2 showers, one cabin in a walk-in bathroom connected to (and visible from) the downstairs bathroom and one bath-shower upstairs. Downstairs shower had no privacy and upstairs shower was uncomfortable and not meant for longer showers, not to mention the fact that it's practically impossible to use without flooding the entire bathroom due to the fairly stupid design. I'm guessing they assumed all 6 people would use the downstairs shower that isn't lockable and has open view from the bedroom, and would only use the bath-shower after taking a bath. This is all without taking into account that the downstairs shower was clogged, too.

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