L'Aca de Brussel



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🕗 horaire

125, Zuidstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8445506, Longitude: 4.3479363

commentaires 5

  • en

    Redman Ardgeeza


    Nice shady bar, good place to plan a Coup d'etats. Yuri sells Jack Daniels and Ukrainian gas. I'm the man with one leg & and a secret drone. All are welcome here, good stories told. I salute Yuri ! ✌

  • Mike Marg

    Mike Marg


  • fr

    abe cede


    Bar trés sympa pour la nouvelle année serveur sympa. Bonne ambiance

  • Franck Lacaille

    Franck Lacaille


    L'ACA l'original, des travaux de renov ont été fais ça change d'ambiance , a voir pour la suite....

  • en

    Neha Kaul


    Sometimes you can have such a bad experience without even entering an establishment that it's worth warning people about. My husband and I were visiting Brussels while I was 3mos pregnant. While walking I suddenly felt completely nauseous and exhausted - like I was going to collapse. So I held my belly and sat down quickly on a chair that happened to belong to this place. Instantly, a man gruffly asked if I wanted something to drink. I tried to nod my head but I think my eyes were shut. By then my husband had turned around. He spoke for me and said I was exhausted. The man yelled at us saying that everyone said they were tired and that he didn't pay taxes for people to use his chairs for free. I replied that I was pregnant but he didn't really care. You don't have to be pregnant to understand the situation. Just for reference, ALL their chairs were vacant at the time. If he hadn't been extremely unpleasant, I would've ordered something to rehydrate myself but instead I left and bought a beverage elsewhere.

Bar la plus proche

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