La Pharmacie Anglaise in Bruxelles

BelgiëLa Pharmacie Anglaise



🕗 openingstijden

66, Coudenberg, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 489 56 07 36
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.843273, Longitude: 4.358585

opmerkingen 5

  • Robin Rudwick

    Robin Rudwick


    Great cocktail bar close to the Musical Instruments Museum. Very busy so try and book it. We got the last two bar seats. Steam punk barman makes great cocktails. Interior design is great, service is great. I'd love to come back again. Check out the specimen jars under the bar. Not for the squeamish.

  • Tanguy Rademakers

    Tanguy Rademakers


    Fantastic decor, truly original and tasty cocktails, friendly service. Absolutely worth a visit, but do call ahead to book a table as it's not a huge place and can fill up quickly.

  • Thanasis Rigopoulos

    Thanasis Rigopoulos


    This place was amazing, I can honestly say that without exaggeration one of the best places I have ever been! The vide is unreal, the service is superb and the cocktails are very very good! A must if you visiting Brussels!

  • Nadeem Batt

    Nadeem Batt


    Great cocktail bar. Very nice and characterful interior. Graceful and cozy chairs. It's a shame they offer no wine or beer.

  • en

    Michael Christodoulou


    A unique cocktail bar in the heart of Brussels. The theme is amazing, cocktails are the perfect medicine to over come the moody weather advisable to make a reservation before going. They will try to accomotate you but not always if you do not have a reservation.

Bar in de buurt

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