La Maison Du Berger de Jurbise

BelgiqueLa Maison Du Berger



🕗 horaire

171, Route d'Ath, 7050, Jurbise, Hainaut, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 65 22 63 02
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.5145045, Longitude: 3.9224839

commentaires 5

  • en

    Amaro Carapuço


    Very good food. Great staff

  • en

    Gohn Family


    My favorite place to eat in all of Belgium! Joseph is so welcoming, and the food is fantastic and fresh! You can't go wrong here!

  • brittaney lopez

    brittaney lopez


    The staff was incredibly friendly from the moment we walked through the door. The food was simple but delicious. This is a cozy place with exposed brick and farm decor that makes you feel connected to the source of the ingredients. We had wonderful, attentive service. Will definitely be back

  • en

    Jennifer McGregor


    Great food and good service.

  • en

    Astrid Neumaier


    Whatever you do, do NOT order the Meze. The price may be significantly lower than at the other Greek restaurant a few doors down, but the calamari were downright revolting (rubbery squid, breading way too thick and soggy) and for some mysterious reason the feta cheese was fried too. Big fat nope judging by that.

Restaurant la plus proche

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