La Cereza de Oudenaarde

BelgiqueLa Cereza


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144, Geraardsbergenstraat, 9700, Oudenaarde, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 478 69 89 85
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8287173, Longitude: 3.6365382

commentaires 5

  • eric ds

    eric ds


    Een leuke en weldoende namiddag vriendelijke ontvangst 😊

  • Sara Lodens

    Sara Lodens


    We went there to have breakfast and it was great! The food was really good, there was a variety of breads, fruits, jams, juices,... The host was really friendly. She prepared eggs just the way you like it.

  • en

    Tieke T


    We stayed there the night after our wedding, we were treated as special guests and we felt immediately at home. The wellness is great, cosy and extremely clean. Breakfast consists of a complete buffet, your own choice of egg, and everything is very fresh! On top of that, the owners are extremely friendly and provide excellent service; they really think of everything. We will definitely return!

  • en

    Stephen Strinz


    When you're traveling for buisness the best place is home.... but the second best place might be here. I've been all around the world but i've never met people more friendly than here. The rooms are very nice and very very clean.

  • en

    Guy Sadeh


    Lovely place, in a wonderful area.Sabrina the owner is wonderful :)

Lodging la plus proche

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