La Boutique Tintin de Bruxelles

BelgiqueLa Boutique Tintin



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13, Rue de la Colline, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 514 51 52
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.846745, Longitude: 4.353559

commentaires 5

  • Samiul Hasan

    Samiul Hasan


    Tintin lovers must visit. The shop is located at great place in Brussels. The t-shirts are a bit costly compared to other items.

  • Sandun Angelo Perera

    Sandun Angelo Perera


    Best store for Tin Tin fans, lots of souvenirs, books t-shirts and many more to buy.

  • Carles Casanovas

    Carles Casanovas


    I bought everything! It was amazing! Best regards from Catalonia! I see you on day again! Thanks for all, Belgium!

  • en

    Au Ti


    Went in today to get some stuff as we are Tin Tin fans on a day-trip to Bruxelles. The store girl inside wouldn’t let us touch the t shirts and looked very bothered. She said - pick out the design and tell me and then I will tell you if we have the sizes. So we picked probably 6 different design kids shirts only to be told-no we don’t have that size only adults size. So then I asked her - why don’t you tell me which ones you have in kids sizes 12 to 14 and she says - no you pick the size ( so she could tell me she didn’t have the size). For a $1000 dollars round trip to Bruxelles it was a very disappointing event. ESP since she snickered after we went on to her friend when I came back to thank her ( for nothing really but just trying to be nice). They need better staff and friendlier customer service... it’s a disservice to Herge and to TinTin!!! Everything was very expensive including €35 t shirts and we walked out with 5 little things after wasting €100.

  • Ashesh Goswami

    Ashesh Goswami


    Great place for Tintin fans. With figurines, comics, tshirts and other collectibles, this place can help you get lost in the world of Tintin. A bit pricey as compared to the other places in the neighborhood, but definitely worth a visit for collecting some souvenirs from the land of Herge.

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