Krëfel Electronics de Evere

BelgiqueKrëfel Electronics



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862, Chaussée de Louvain, 1140, Evere, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 705 02 06
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8574795, Longitude: 4.4098174

commentaires 5

  • Daniel de Wolff

    Daniel de Wolff


    Lousy service - each and every time I came here. A disaster ! I can only imagine the money that walks out of that store by pissed off potential customers.

  • Laura Esquivel

    Laura Esquivel


    Good service. I bought sth on line and it was easy to retrieve it, eventhough there was a lot of people waiting in the line. The cashier was really helpful and took the heavy item I bought just to my car.

  • Carol de Lusignan

    Carol de Lusignan


    Good selection of merchandise, but chaotic system of catching the attention of sales staff to sell it to you

  • Kars ten Have

    Kars ten Have


    don’t go ther if you need advice. No people at hand and once found they have no clue. Spend 2 hours in their shops in Brussels. Never again

  • Hristo Hristov

    Hristo Hristov


    I wanted to return a laptop, bought 1 week ago. The manager saw the invoice, didn't say anything and invited coustomers to talk with them in his special area. His colleague started to explain me, that only the manager can make the authorization. I was waiting for 45 min for the manager. Then he came, saw the invoice again and said: You have to go to Krefel 40 km far away from here and to return the product there, because you bought it from there. I asked his colleague why he hadn't told me that I do not have to wait. He said: "I didn't know". I am absolutely disappointed!!!

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