Korean Cultural Center i Brussel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BelgienKorean Cultural Center



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4, Regentschapsstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE België
kontakter telefon: +32 2 274 29 80
internet side: brussels.korean-culture.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.8408659, Longitude: 4.3577441

kommentar 5

  • Lim JH12

    Lim JH12


    ROK Nobility Mr. Sam Nijs @LimJH12 (@UNESCO Yangban heritage) - who spies and counterspies to protect his mom's heritage - is still not #returned to South Korea. That's very disrespectful of Kang Kyung-Wha. And also very demeaning to ROK's very own cultural #heritage. 5 stars if @LimJH12 was returned into proper position.

  • Evangelia Sylleliadou

    Evangelia Sylleliadou


    Very interesting film projections (for free!) and korean art.

  • Cynthia KONE

    Cynthia KONE


    안녕하십니까, Taking Korean classes there, progressing ! I'm having so much fun there, They organise a lot of events (movie projections, culinary classes, speaking contest and exhibitions) very clean and beautiful centre! 짱이다! 대한민국 만세 ~~ ^^

  • thierry tilman

    thierry tilman


    Accueil incroyable. Chaleureux. Premiers pas pour découvrir la Corée.

  • Hanhan Jabji

    Hanhan Jabji


    The Korean Cultural Center in Brussels is a great place if you like on of these two things: Korea or art. If you love art, then visiting the center once every while is certainly something you should do as they always have an art exhibition going on in the main hall. This is an opportunity to get to see the works of upcoming and established Korean artists. If you love Korea and its culture than going to the cultural center makes even more sense, since it is a place dedicated to Korean culture. Grab a Korean movie on Friday and attend some Korean classes at the Korean Cultural Center in Brussels. And, you really ought to take one of their Korean cooking classes if Korean food interests you. It is inexpensive, yet professional. Beyond all this, I can vouch for the friendliness of the staff who are always ready to answer any question you might have about the center, Korea or their activities.

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