Kookhuys Mafrans de Leuven

BelgiqueKookhuys Mafrans



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32, Diestsestraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 16 22 50 15
site web: www.kookhuysmafrans.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8801997, Longitude: 4.7040765

commentaires 5

  • Corneel Vander Plaetse

    Corneel Vander Plaetse


    Fun shop with wide assortment of kitchen appliances.

  • Abolghassem Jandari

    Abolghassem Jandari


    You can find here everything needed in a kitchen. Price is a little high

  • en

    Patty Liao


    I went into the shop to look for a cheeseboard with a cutting wire. As I lifted one display model up, the plastic cover on top of the board slid off and dropped on the floor. One young man, who I found out later was the son of the owner/manager, rushed to me, finger-pointing at my innocent 6-year-old standing besides me and scolding: "If he breaks something, you are going to pay!". I replied calmly that it was me who lifted the board and the cover dropped. He continued finger pointing with his patronising threat then left. After some reflection I wanted to speak to him about the matter so I approached him and said "Excuse me.". He walked off to attend to another customer in the opposite side of the shop and kept us waiting where we were. I decided I was not going to wait as my children were starting to be impatient just standing in the shop for no reason, so I talked to the staff at the cash till - I found exactly what I was looking for but I was not going to get it from this shop, and I can say I will never return to this shop again. This is not the right way to treat your customers. If you have children or grandchildren, and if you are looking for a relaxing, helpful, and comfortable shopping experience instead of being treated like a criminal with a lot of hostility, I advise that you don't either. There are other much more customer-friendly businesses of the same nature, Merckx, Dille & Kamille, and a newly opened shop across the street from this shop, for example. You will feel much more welcome and happy to spend your money there.

  • Konstantinos Trz

    Konstantinos Trz


    One of the best places for kitchen equipment. Lots of products, you can find pretty much anything you need in your kitchen, from small utensils to electric appliances, plates, cups, etc. Some items are a bit overcharged compared to other shops. They offer delivery at home. Some members of the staff are very friendly and helpful while others do not care that much.

  • Reinout Moens

    Reinout Moens


    Large cooking store with a nice variety of products and services. Prices are slightly higher.

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