Kiekekot de Leuven




🕗 horaire

46, Mechelsestraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 16 65 75 08
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8809353, Longitude: 4.69951

commentaires 5

  • Samrat Roy

    Samrat Roy


    This is definitely one of the best places to order roasted chicken from. In the last 5 years, the place has seen a change of proprietorship at least 3 times but that has not compromised the taste. For the not so health conscious, make sure you order the gravy/sauce, which mainly consists of the drippings from the roasting process, on side (it is free!) On the flip side, Kiekekot does not accept cards, so remember to bring cash along.

  • Jean-François Gobin

    Jean-François Gobin


    On the menu, there is chicken. Only chicken. And prepared in only one way. Don't let that deter you from trying this place: the chicken is oven-roasted with middle-east herbs and seasoning and that is absolutely fantastic. The inside seating is limited, so consider going there on a sunny day or afternoon to enjoy sitting outside in the Mechelsestraat.

  • Ben Hur

    Ben Hur


    Best chicken in Leuven

  • Eric Breynaert

    Eric Breynaert


    Nice chicken. Fast. Qualitative and cheap.

  • Stef



    Best grilled chicken in Leuven, it has a beautiful and long history of grilling chickens. Yum!

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