KAVAK in Bruxelles




🕗 openingstijden

61, Rue Léon Lepage, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 437 94 66
website: www.kavak.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8525223, Longitude: 4.3456022

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Birgit Renard


    I have been following Ceylan for many years and I'm very happy that he has now opened his own stylish salon in this very attractive neighbourhood, where a warm welcome awaits. Ceylan is a perfectionist who takes his time to create a great cut. As always I'm thrilled with the result!

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    Anja Wolz


    Ceylan has done an fantastic job, I was not sure what I will do and he cut my hair perfectly! Apart from the amazing cut he is also a really fun person. I'm so happy, I found the perfect stylist for me.

  • Sylvie Dupont

    Sylvie Dupont


    Best hairdresser I know ! He raises hairdressing to an art.

  • en

    Saida Bollenberg


    Nice, clean and very trendy salon! Absolutly worth a visit. Excelent service and the best haircut in Brussels 👍

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    Shari Dewannemacker


    Great customer service, high precision and excellent technique. My haircut looks amazing every single time! :-D

Haarverzorging in de buurt

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