Kasteel Gravenhof de Dworp

BelgiqueKasteel Gravenhof



🕗 horaire

676, Alsembergsesteenweg, 1653, Dworp, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 380 44 99
site web: www.gravenhof.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.7322723, Longitude: 4.2931653

commentaires 5

  • en

    Joel Luth


    Beautiful location, very good food

  • Kaylene Lawson

    Kaylene Lawson


    Beautiful location and modern comfortable rooms. Nice breakfast.

  • en

    Omar Mourad


    I was invited at a seminary i didn't see all of it but the part i saw and the food were really good !

  • Robert Fey

    Robert Fey


    Nice and cozy place. Excellent breakfast!

  • Mohammed Al Sawaji

    Mohammed Al Sawaji


    Some people in their comments are talking about the hotel's restaurant while the others are talking about the hotel itself.. Anyway, it was unusual experience to stay in more than 350 years building with new modern rooms a way from the city rush. I liked the hotel and enjoyed my stay there.

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