Karaoke Fine Fleur de Oostende

BelgiqueKaraoke Fine Fleur


pas d'information

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20, Hertstraat, 8400, Oostende, West-Vlaanderen, BE Bélgica
contact téléphone: +32
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.232571, Longitude: 2.913983

commentaires 5

  • Jelle Meersman

    Jelle Meersman


    Duur maar plezant als je zelf volk meebrengt

  • nl

    Ange Zoete



  • Ralf Uitendaal

    Ralf Uitendaal


    Leuke plek om je avond door te brengen.

  • Jony Tanghe

    Jony Tanghe


    Toffe gezellige sfeer!

  • en

    Lee Ellis


    This is a quirky little karaoke bar, quite different to what we're used to go Manchester. We got dressed up to come here as we would back home, but we needn't have bothered as the majority of the clientele were in jeans and hoodies. Still, in the words of hyacinth bucket, 'we are right, everybody else is wrong' lol. In fact a large proportion of people were under 18 and drinking soft drinks which made it seem like a youth club. There were some decent singers, including a guy who, apparently, is quite a big star in Belgium. The bar manager had difficulty adding up the prices of the drinks in her head and was asking for more than she should have done. Funny how when this happens it's never the other way round...so make sure you check the prices, don't just take her word for it. They served an interesting blue wine which my wife really liked. You can park for free on the road nearby. The sound system was decent with a speaker pointing at the stage like a monitor so you can hear yourself sing. I wish all karaoke places would do this. Just the right amount of reverb was added to the mic to make you sound like a pro! Overall a decent bar but dress down if you want to fit in and do your own adding up for the drinks prices!

Boîte de nuit la plus proche

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