Kamping kontiki de Antwerpen

BelgiqueKamping kontiki


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🕗 horaire

Noordkasteel-Oost, 2030, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.2408727, Longitude: 4.3968815

commentaires 5

  • Peter Hollanders

    Peter Hollanders


    Zéker eens passeren om iets te eten in de zomervakantie . Als het weer wat meezit waan je je in het zuiden van Frankrijk !

  • en

    David Fruchet


    Nice, but no hot shower

  • Yves Conan

    Yves Conan


    Charming location with charming people. As an eco-friendly campsite the facilities are a but different than most campsites. You'll be using dry toilets and bag showers. The site is clean and a pleasure to relax in.

  • Jason Maunder

    Jason Maunder


    A very alternative style for a campsite in patch of reclaimed green land within urban surroundings 10 minutes from Antwerp centre. The amenities are basic; toilets are a bucket with a toilet seat attached and showers are cold water within a portable camping shower bag. Hot water is available upon request. The camp area is limited in space so you might find yourself close to other campers if its busy. Friendly hosts who managed to accommodate us despite it being quite busy. Food and drink was available there although we ate out in town.

  • Vit Soupal

    Vit Soupal


    If you look for adventure camping in Antwerp, don't miss Kontiki (mini)camp. Located on the top of lost rampard/bunker it is definitely something different. Despite the spartan conditions, the camp people were really nice and also the price was really low - so in terms of value for price it was ok.

Camping la plus proche

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