Julie's House in Gent

BelgiëJulie's House



🕗 openingstijden

13, Kraanlei, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 9 233 33 90
website: www.julieshouse.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.0567625, Longitude: 3.7218648

opmerkingen 5

  • Filipe Teixeira

    Filipe Teixeira


    Do you hate cupcakes yet love to pay a lot of money for them? Then this is the place to come. I could never understand the hype behind this place. The cupcakes are dry, buttery, way too sweet, and it's not that the service makes it better. I do respect the students working there and some of the staff, as you see that they do work a lot and do make an effort. However, I do have the feeling as well that management doesn't really follow the same stream.

  • Markus Weitweg

    Markus Weitweg


    Besonders gut!! "baked with love, served with joy" passt 100 %

  • Lennert Vanheuverzwijn

    Lennert Vanheuverzwijn


    Heerlijke taarten en koffie. Alleen jammer dat er zo weinig plaats is om te zitten en als je er dan zit, heb ik wat het gevoel dat je er buiten gekeken wordt. Wat ik op zich begrijp, maar dat maakt het niet zo gezellig om rustig te zitten. Maar de taarten zijn overheerlijk!

  • HH G

    HH G


    Small bakery with a lot of personality. Offers a wide range of cakes, vegetarian/vegan friendly as well. Ice brownie is special and delicious. It’s definitely a nice place but also a bit overrated. Have eaten better cakes. It’s kinda busy so you need to queue up and order beforehand in the queue, which could feel a bit rushed.

  • April H

    April H


    This is a super cute place to stop in a have a sweet treat and a drink. We shared a couple different pies and each one was really good in their own way. The decorations in the shop are really cute and eclectic too. We sat inside on the top which was cozy. We will definitely be back here.

Bakkerij in de buurt

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