Jardins de Fontenay-Sous-Bois de Etterbeek

BelgiqueJardins de Fontenay-Sous-Bois



🕗 horaire

1040 Etterbeek, Belgium
contact téléphone: +32
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8296372, Longitude: 4.393332

commentaires 5

  • fr

    moussa Va


    Une Parc rustique très agréable

  • Yannick



    Très petit parc, on en a vite fait le tour. Mais cela fait toujours plaisir d'avoir un coin de verdure dans Bruxelles. À pied, il est facile d'accès pour les habitants du quartier. Mais pas de parking réservé pour les promeneurs. Dommage que certains bancs ne soient plus fonctionnels.

  • Emilia Asultanei

    Emilia Asultanei


    Although the place is under construction (part of it) it is still accessible to the public. The part I was interested was the playground that offers quite a handfull (swings, sliders etc) for kids (2-8), but I hope it will also undergo some facelift (some of the elements were a bit worn i.e. the rubber protection of the swings for toddlers). There were some other facilities for older kids that we did not have time to explore- i think I saw tennis or minifootball pits. I have to come back for details. The garden is not too big, and you have to look good for the entries (the entry near by Espadon swimming pool was closed due to works).

  • en

    Daria Lebedeva


    Lovely place to spend time with baby

  • Donat Callens

    Donat Callens


    Very nice children playground. Can get a bit dusty in dry weather...

Parc la plus proche

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