Janssens in Leuven




🕗 openingstijden

7, Pensstraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 16 22 43 91
website: www.vleeswarenjanssens.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8799787, Longitude: 4.7000191

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Marko Grgac


    Very good place, for sure one of the best in Leuven. Suitable for every pocket, good meat, especially pork! Great and friendly staff, all speak English and suitable for students!

  • nl

    ludo pauwels


  • nl

    Charles Dewit


  • en

    Raymond A. Goslitski


    There are two butcher's shops in the Pensstraat next door to each other. One (Rondou) is always full, this one always empty. Having visited this place today, I can fully understand why this one is empty... I always try to have a positive and sunny disposition, but in this shop, it was sadly a lost cause. Having asked for something they didn't have that day, the shopkeeper didn't even bother to propose an alternative, even though I could see some items that I myself would have proposed, and she was really not interested in selling me anything. No grace, no finesse, no sales talk, nothing, just stonewall silence and she didn't even look at me. In fact when her two colleagues came out, she told them I was just leaving. None of this was called for - I don't know what I did, or why she treated me like this. To be honest, if this is acceptable behaviour in there, no wonder why the shop is always empty, especially considering Rondou is closed for the whole week, and a perfect time to attract new customers. They won't, sadly, with this attitude, so out of principle I didn't buy anything, and took my business to Van Laere on the Brusselsestraat.

  • Robin Houtmeyers

    Robin Houtmeyers


    Vriendelijke bediening en beste americain prepare van het stad!! Je moet wel wat geduld hebben, de locals komen daar hun vleeswaren halen en daar zitten soms heel lange bestellingen bij :)

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