ING Heverlee de Leuven

BelgiqueING Heverlee



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121, Naamsesteenweg, 3001, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 16 30 85 30
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8649955, Longitude: 4.6961446

commentaires 3

  • en

    Angshuman Karmakar


    Heverlee branch of ING bank. Right next to the bus stop. ATM available.

  • Jacek Data

    Jacek Data


  • en

    Michael Edwards


    I lost my wallet and called to cancel my bankpass. I had to call many times, as I never managed to complete the operation (automated menus hang up the call). Finally I manage to talk to somebody "physical". He said they would cancel the car but never confirmed and call dropped. I called again to make sure the card was cancelled. Another guy replied and talked about a file number. I replied that I just wanted to know if my card is cancelled. He started to yell at me in an unacceptable way, complaining that he already told. Then he hung up. Is this the way you deal with customer issues? Especially when they are urgently calling to stop a card that might be being used by somebody who found the wallet? Shame on you, barbarians.

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