IKEA Hognoul in Awans

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

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BelgiëIKEA Hognoul



🕗 openingstijden

7, Porte de Liège, 4342, Awans, Liège, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 719 19 33
website: www.ikea.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.6793254, Longitude: 5.4621873

opmerkingen 5

  • Anne Kibler

    Anne Kibler


    Always fun here

  • Elizabeth Parenas

    Elizabeth Parenas


    I really like coming to ikea for inspiration and details... am glad too for its lovely ambiance and restaurant food and facilities...

  • Patrick De Groote

    Patrick De Groote


    Your typical Ikea place

  • Piotr StawiszyÅ„ski

    Piotr Stawiszyński


    Ikea is perfect as always. I love it. However at Hongolu for the first time in Belgium I had a situation when I had to go to shop assistance (cause on my shooping list near one of the product I wanted to buy was stated that I need to contact a shop assistance) and the guy didn;t speak English. That wasn;t the worst thing cause I got accustomed to it but he didn;t want to even take a look at my list (I printed it in French). He keept saying "Speak French, speak French". When I apologized that I don't speak French he shrugged and went away...

  • Cigar Dragon

    Cigar Dragon


    Design are ok BUT quality is getting worse and worse example the screws are easily broken. The wood beds are not from real wood same for closet. Bad quality and not cheap. Mauvais qualité avec un design ok.

Meubelwinkel in de buurt

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