Huawei Customer Service Center de Bruxelles

BelgiqueHuawei Customer Service Center



🕗 horaire

12, Rue Sainte-Catherine, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 800 23 711
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.849706, Longitude: 4.3483622

commentaires 5

  • en

    Willem van Dijk


    Huawei store and service center, the first and as far as I know the only one in Europe. Very clean with excellent service.

  • en

    D D


    Do no expect lower prices than somewhere else; nice store, anyway.

  • en

    Carina Vicente


    Just great! The service they offer you is excellent. The only thing that they need is extra staff because it is offten very busy.

  • en

    ionut Tutu


    A lovely experience. Very well trained staff, lovely and friendly. Very easy to communicate with even in a different language. The staff made everything to make sure that I understood everything in regards to the service provided. A great product as well and very easy to understand and work through all application. I will definatly continue with them.

  • Carol Douyere

    Carol Douyere


    Extremely disappointing service. Ask you to pay for an expert to provide a quote and then call to advise that in fact they are no longer able to order spare parts for the phone to be repaired. They should check this before sending it for a quote.

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