Hotel Wu Wei in Kortrijk

BelgiëHotel Wu Wei



🕗 openingstijden

23, Kongoweg, 8500, Kortrijk, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 56 29 01 00
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.823776, Longitude: 3.256625

opmerkingen 5

  • Kristof Beerens

    Kristof Beerens



  • Pramod Goyal

    Pramod Goyal


    Not the best place, hospitality not as expected

  • Cemr Ccre

    Cemr Ccre


    WuWei RIPS PEOPLE OFF – terrible service !! As part of our Team building, my 32 colleagues and I booked a meeting room – including a lunch and drinks, at WuWei Hotel. While the preparations via emails and telephone went quite well, the meeting and lunch we were expecting were truly disappointing and the service during and after the event was awful. Here is a short summary of the most terrible things that we encountered: - We clearly agreed by email for a U-shape seating arrangement to seat 33 people with table. However, when we arrived, there were NO tables and the chairs set up in theatre style. As one chair was missing to seat all 33 people, we asked for one “extra” chair, as well as “extra” plates since they didn’t give us enough. WuWei then assumed that we were more than the number announced and charged our credit card for 38 people, without counting or double checking with us. - They charge our credit card WITHOUT any authorization. We provided them with our credit card details for the payment of the deposit ONLY, and they used them to charge a final bill for 38 people. - Since their assumption was completely false (and impossible, as we are not even 38 employees in our company!), we provided them with a list from the hotel where we stayed in Kortrijk clearly stating that we were 33 people. This did not affect their decision to reimburse us for the wrongly charged amount. - As for the lunch, the dessert we asked for was “cake and fruits”, for which we were charged € 231. Their interpretation of “cake” was pathetic as it was the cheapest Aldi cake available, as well as some biscuits (?!). Charging us € 231 for 1 cake and a handful of biscuits to feed 33 (38 according to them!) people is simply unacceptable. - To say we were still hungry after the “sandwiches” is not an understatement. We had asked half of the sandwiches to be vegetarian. Clearly, they have no idea of what “vegetarian” means, which is ridiculous for people providing a FOOD CATERING SERVICE that is, according to their website, “light, healthy and with lots of vegetables”! We received 1 basket of small sandwiches with meat salad, 1 basket with chicken curry salad, and 1 basket with egg salad. All the sandwiches were swimming in mayonnaise, and vegetables were nowhere to be found. They should update their website to “heavy, greasy, and with lots mayo”. When trying to solve the unjustified charges, we received extremely aggressive and rude responses. In the end, they never changed their position, despite the evidences we provided. DO NOT GO HERE !!! RUDE STAFF AND TERRIBLE SERVICE.

  • Neil Postance

    Neil Postance


    Very relaxing, nice and quiet. The pool was nice, and it's a great touch that they play music under the water. Dip your ears if you want to hear it. A bit annoying that the bedside tables provide no horizontal surface, makes it impossible to put a glass of water on them.

  • Julien Macele

    Julien Macele


    Weird shaped room with no trashcan - was clean and bed was cosy but breakfast was a little bit dry and boring.

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