Hotel Welkom in Damme - Hoeke

BelgiëHotel Welkom


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

34, Damse Vaart-Noord, 8340, Damme - Hoeke, West-Vlaanderen, BE Bélgica
contacten telefoon: +32 50 60 24 92
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2919464, Longitude: 3.3367116

opmerkingen 5

  • nick deruytere

    nick deruytere


    Leuk en gezellig

  • baptiste bonnet

    baptiste bonnet


    Simple mais bien

  • en

    Martin Briggs


    On my first visit last night I really enjoyed it as the local crowd were very friendly and also humorous, bar snacks were nice also, going back tonight.

  • Sophie's Foodie Files

    Sophie's Foodie Files


    A good biking hotel. Decent room with big closets & a big bathroom with bath. Friendly staff & a good breakfast. The only downside is the noise in the room of the exit of the motorway! They also must update their 70's interior in the rooms & breakfast area!

  • Mihail Kirilov Kaschiev

    Mihail Kirilov Kaschiev


    Un lugar muy acogedor. Esta a 5km de un pueblo holandés Sluis (muy bonito)y a 13 km de Brujas yendo por el canal en bici. Se pueden alquilar bicis en el mismo hotel.

Restaurant in de buurt

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