Hôtel Première Classe Longwy in Longwy

BelgiëHôtel Première Classe Longwy


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🕗 openingstijden

3 Rue du Pulventeux, ZI du Pulventeux, 54400 Longwy, France
contacten telefoon: +33 3 82 25 50 66
website: www.premiereclasse.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 49.516807, Longitude: 5.751756

opmerkingen 5

  • Toni Baxy

    Toni Baxy


    Very out dated, a 'sweat smell' as we walked into the room. Had to buy cleaning supplies and New bed sheets.

  • James Baxandall

    James Baxandall


    Dated. Dirty and badly maintained. A bit sad really. After seeing room went to supermarket next door and bought cleaning supplies, towels and a new bed sheet

  • en

    Ije Kistaone


    This was the worst motel room I had ever been the floor carpet are filthy, the walls have holes on it, the curtain surely needs a replacement and the bedsheets are itchy... The o good things were the reception was helpful, the price was at range, Wifi was really fast and the location was really the road. This motel really needs attention and total change of everything in the room..

  • en

    Goldberg Patrick


    Very sympathiec personal, always Helpful and open to the Customer, its more like you are at Home and not in a Hotel. Just some Customer don't respect anything and distroying a lot. Melissa, Wendy, Anne , Patrick go on like this

  • Florian Thurner

    Florian Thurner


    Terribly noisy at night, stenched and smelly carpet, worn-out furniture and wallpapers, cigarette-burned holes in the bed sheets. The price I paid certainly was quite low - but for these accommodations, it still seems like way too much. It may be tolerable if you don't find another place to stay, but apart from that: never again.

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