Hotel Prelude de Knesselare

BelgiqueHotel Prelude


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23, Knokseweg, 9910, Knesselare, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 9 374 32 34
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.1450128, Longitude: 3.4272009

commentaires 5

  • Herman Arkens

    Herman Arkens


    Ouderwets met een niet zo vriendelijke bediening en een ontbijt die naam nauwelijks waardig

  • Paolo Garancini

    Paolo Garancini


    The owner is a good caretaker. The hotel is nice and despite its location, the noise from the road ahead is pretty muffled, which means your nights will be quiet. The room is big enough and clean. Same to be said about the bed sheets, even though they seem they have gone through rough handling (some holes are present). Bathroom is ok but I would have preferred a shower instead of bath tub.

  • mrMad Footballer

    mrMad Footballer


    Awful service

  • Victoria Sile

    Victoria Sile


    Booked this hotel and hotel charged more from my card without a rison.

  • Peter DeBrass

    Peter DeBrass


    Decent rooms, although a bit expensive. Breakfast was quite good.

Lodging la plus proche

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