Hotel Plasky Brussels - Nato, Eurocontrol, Schuman, Diamant center in Schaarbeek

BelgiëHotel Plasky Brussels - Nato, Eurocontrol, Schuman, Diamant center


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🕗 openingstijden

Avenue Eugène Plasky 212, 1030 Schaarbeek, België
contacten telefoon: +32 2 733 75 30
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8542396, Longitude: 4.3976178

opmerkingen 5

  • Tanya Peneva

    Tanya Peneva


    Overall nothing fancy, but it's convenient for a business trip. Quick access to public transport of all sorts (bus 63 stops directly infront of the hotel). Room was comfortable and large enough. Free water, coffee and tea in the room is a great touch. There is also an iron and iron board in the wardrobe. Free wi-fi, but it did not work in some of the evenings. The staff was very helpful and polite, ready to assist in any way they can. The downsides - very little variety at breakfast, rooms aren't sound proof so you are easily woken up from the noise coming from other rooms, the bathrooms are quite outdated and in dire need of renovation.

  • en

    Octavian Rijnoveanu


    For the peoples that look after one night stay in my opinion is ok.Good location,properly bad,close to the shops areas. But this place have need a quickly renovation because:is alot of olds equipments inside,breakfast area with not to much options,breakfast offer is minimal,cleaning in the hotel is ok,but not perfect(special in the toilets area),the drain of the shower not work. Is to much to pay 100€ or plus for this place,how many time around You can find better option.

  • pt

    Arie monster


    Muito bem confortável

  • Mariana Martins

    Mariana Martins


    Boa localização, qualidade preço.

  • Marc DiPaolo

    Marc DiPaolo


    This is a really nice hotel. It has everything you need (but without any frills). The room was large and modern, and impeccably clean. The people on the staff are nice. I mean they are really, really nice. Very convenient access to public transport of all sorts. And a great price. Overall, highly recommended. Select Hotel Plasky with confidence!

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