Hotel Palace in Poperinge

BelgiëHotel Palace


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🕗 openingstijden

34, Ieperstraat, 8970, Poperinge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 57 33 30 93
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8544625, Longitude: 2.7284855

opmerkingen 5

  • Smokey Odin

    Smokey Odin


    Fairly clean room, water & milks out of date. Bugs on window shelf, tho staff was friendly and helpful

  • nl

    Gilbert Loones


    Op 4 februari 2018 waren wij uitgenodigd voor de diamanten huwelijksverjaardagsfeest van een nonkel en tante. We hadden horen zeggen dat het restaurant een goede reputatie had wat de maaltijden betrof en dat werd gisteren zeker bevestigd. Het eten was niet alleen lekker, maar daarbovenop kregen we een vriendelijke bediening en met honger zou je zeker niet vertrekken want we werden 3 maal bediend van het hoofdmenu.

  • Leonardo S. Candiago

    Leonardo S. Candiago






    Be sure dont charge you the pay 2 times ... They charge me on cash and after on the credit card.

  • en

    Clare Suart


    The woman who runs this hotel behaved quite unbelievably towards us. WE COULDN'T LEAVE FAST ENOUGH! She began by struggling with either French or English - instead of Flemish (I'm English and also speak French very well), making out that it was my fault - which I ignored. It later materialised that her English is excellent! Despite her lack of welcome and lack of information about where to park our bicycles, the rooms, etc, I decided not to push it as she was obviously struggling and I hadn't got the energy. However, later when we needed access to park our bikes she started on, first at my husband about the service we were 'demanding was more than was appropriate for the number of staff she had'; and then at me about 'how she felt she couldn't get it right for me' ! We were stunned as we hadn't made any requests other than 'where to park our bikes', which I'd mentioned in our original booking. Commenting that we were glad we were only staying one night, we walked away. The room was clean but there was a plastic undersheet which made the bed horribly sweaty. Why not use a proper mattress protector that is 'breathable'? We didn't have breakfast there - the price was for room only, and breakfast was E12 each extra. We went to a cafe instead where it cost us E5.50 each - for a big breakfast of breadroll and cheese, coffee, orange juice and a sweet pastry (and a cream liqueur! for breakfast !!). Now we've got home to find an email from the hotel booking service stating that we owe for the night as we didn't arrive as booked. Apparently she's told them that we didn't arrive! I paid in cash and have the receipt. Needless to say, we shan't be darkening her doors again!

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