Hotel Novotel Maastricht de Maastricht

BelgiqueHotel Novotel Maastricht


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10, Sibemaweg, 6227 AH, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Netherlands
contact téléphone: +31 43 361 1811
site web:
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Latitude: 50.8450655, Longitude: 5.7182299

commentaires 5

  • Marco Schirrmeister

    Marco Schirrmeister


    Easy to reach, super helpful staff, nice room. Internet with iPass support.

  • Sif Holst

    Sif Holst


    A bit tired and more the feel of a budget family hotel (including paper cups and plastic glasses), than a modern 4 star hotel. A bit far from city center. But nice staff, nice small garden with pool and decent restaurant. On the weekend we visited, the hotel was host to a spring sports car rally, which meant a great deal of commotion and noice. But also fun to watch and it was overall a plus for us.

  • Claude Bulgarelli

    Claude Bulgarelli


    The conference room has lots of amenities, Beamer was present that was water for everybody, they even had candy in little pots. The coffee was good, the lunch was excellent and overall I was satisfied with the venue.

  • en

    Rodney Webb


    Reasonable hotel with a very large flag of Andrea ruefully flying outside my bedroom window it was like a ghost story. Food very expensive and they charge you to park on hotel land. It's a long way outside the town of Maastrict.

  • Robert B.

    Robert B.


    Good hotel, clean rooms and space for children to play. The continental breakfast is quite good. Parking is not free but is not difficult to find parking lots nearby. It is a bit faster away from Maastricht city centre but there is public transportation.

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