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🕗 openingstijden

25, Oude Markt, 6131 EN, Sittard, Sittard-Geleen, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 46 400 9002
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.999175, Longitude: 5.869995

opmerkingen 5

  • René van der Hulst

    René van der Hulst


    Excellent staff, clean room, comfortable bathroom. It would be nice if a complimentary bottle of water were in the room.

  • Brian Beard

    Brian Beard


    I was visiting for work and Hotel Merici was an unexpected highlight of the trip! Beautifully decorated hotel, in the vein of a boutique hotel, in a very unique and quaint part of the city. I arrived very late, but the staff was extraordinarily friendly and accommodating. The next morning the included breakfast was elegant but not pretentious and really a great start to a long day of business and travel. I am looking for excuses to return just to go to Hotel Merici!

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    Niranjan Seetharama


    Everytime I go to sittard I stay in this place. Awesome hotel with amazing rooms. 24/7 reception and friendly staff. The most amazing thing about this place is that it has a underground parking with a direct elevator to the hotel reception. This place I think used to be a church but now it's refurbished into a modern Hotel. Amazing breakfast is also available. From my location perspective it's right in the city centre and close to multiple eateries and restaurants. I also found the Farmers Market in the centre please which is walkable from the hotel.

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    Elizabeth Boyd


    We have beautiful rooms overlooking the courtyard. Every member of the staff has been cheerful and helpful. We arrived a little early, so they put a rush on getting our room ready. We appreciated that very much. They serve breakfast in a beautiful room with large windows. The parking is underground and makes life so much easier in an area where parking is at a premium.

  • Axel Vogt

    Axel Vogt


    So far, I've stayed here twice with my dog and once without. Friendly staff, nice rooms, good for pets, and nice breakfast. I highly recommend this hotel.

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