Hotel Mercure Brussels Airport de Brussel

BelgiqueHotel Mercure Brussels Airport



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74, Jules Bordetlaan, 1140, Brussel, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 726 73 35
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.874167, Longitude: 4.4130872

commentaires 5

  • Jeff Thornton

    Jeff Thornton


    Clean rooms, friendly staff. Easy access to and from the airport from transit lines.

  • en



    It only gets 2 stars because the staff of nice. The hotel is disgusting. I changed rooms twice, but every room is gross. There is hair all over the sheets and bathroom. The walls and carpet are stained. The light switches are sticky. I checked out early to go to a nicer hotel.

  • en

    Joseph Borovicka


    Nice place. Could feel ‘shinier’, and the surroundings aren’t attractive (though you can find great food nearby if you try). Definitely a good place to stay.

  • Linc



    Very basic amenities, cold rooms and quite bad showers on the bathroom. Pricey for the facilities you get. But the rooms are quite big and the staff/ service is extremely good.

  • Ace Motif

    Ace Motif


    I am currently still staying here. The rooms are large, the area and atmosphere is tranquil. The staff are extremely pleasant and forthcoming. Free wifi. The mattresses are comfortable for a 3.5 star hotel. The breakfast served is delicious and the staff there are willing to help you out. Also, across the road is free parking, so you can park your vehicle without any issue whatsoever. Overall, this is a brilliant hotel will a small fitness facility on site. There is a Gatsby elegance to this hotel.

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