Hotel Industrie in Leuven

BelgiëHotel Industrie



🕗 openingstijden

7, Martelarenplein, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 16 22 13 49
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8811309, Longitude: 4.7139947

opmerkingen 5

  • Daniel Raubenheimer

    Daniel Raubenheimer


    Smelly room, think it was possibly a brokent pipe or so but it was absolutely horrible. 3 star rating is because of the friendliness of the staff and the great breakfast - surprisingly makes you less grumpy after a toxic night.

  • frens beelen

    frens beelen


    Zeer goed hotel, mooie kamers, redelijk goede bedden, prachtig uitzicht en lage prijs met ontbijt incl. ! - geen lift - heel lang voor het water warm wordt.

  • Gürol Güveli

    Gürol Güveli


    Good location and breakfast

  • Wolfgang Geithner

    Wolfgang Geithner


    I give the industrie hotel 5 stars in terms of price to value. For 50€ and very late booking (directly at the reception) I got a clean and comfortable double bed room including breakfast where I spend one very good night. What is a bit odd is the fact that you have to check and out in the restaurant of the close-by hotel "Aux milles collonnes" which is as well located at the Martelarenplein.

  • Shalabh Walter

    Shalabh Walter


    After an online booking and a late night checkin we came to appreciate the kindness of the staff (especially Kurt!). Situated next to the central train station of Leuven and only a few minutes walk from the historic city centre (filled with nice restaurant and bars) which are definitly worth a visit. Back to the hotel: clean rooms, all the basic needs are met and it all comes at a cheap price. Well worth a visit.

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