Hotel ibis budget Leuven Centrum in Leuven

BelgiëHotel ibis budget Leuven Centrum



🕗 openingstijden

Martelarenlaan 10, 3010 Leuven, Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 16 47 98 80
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.882475, Longitude: 4.7169596

opmerkingen 5

  • Thomas Karl Pietrowski

    Thomas Karl Pietrowski


    Great place to stay, eg. for touristic or business purposes nearby. The people at the reception are very friendly and helpful. Personally I recommend to order the breakfast, too.

  • en

    Soegianto Ali


    Very convenientlt located in the vicinity of the train station. It is quiet though

  • Edwin Kupara

    Edwin Kupara


    The beds are two small and pushing them together still leaves a gap someone as slender as I am can drop off the bed through. Rates are reasonable for the amenities. WiFi is pretty slow.

  • en

    MC Hernandez-Soriano


    Super convenient location. Comfortable budget. Nice breakfast

  • en

    Nour ElKhateeb


    Small basic rooms, yet contains everything needed if you are on a short or business visit to Leuven. Being next to train station is a strategic location if you are staying there for 1-2 days. The rooms are sound proof allowing for a good sleep at night.

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