Hotel ibis Brussels Airport in Diegem

BelgiëHotel ibis Brussels Airport



🕗 openingstijden

17B, Bessenveldstraat, 1831, Diegem, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 2 725 43 21
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8814113, Longitude: 4.4371811

opmerkingen 5

  • Gaming_TV



    Chambre sale, personnel raciste, injurieux envers un client devant tout le monde, personnel méprisant etc.. Des dealeurs qui traînent dans l'hôtel toute la nuit sans rien faire en quête de client potentiels. Le bruits des femmes de ménage à 8H du matin qui claquent les chariots sur les murs et le portes.. Déjeuner en buffet à volonté dégueulasse et pas réapprovisionner.... Indigne pour un hôtel 3 étoiles à 70€ la nuit !! À FUIR LARGEMENT !!!

  • gerben verbaan

    gerben verbaan


    Exceeded my expectations! Breakfast was good and evening meal options are good. Service was good.

  • Talha Boz

    Talha Boz


    We stayed there for one night. The hotel looks new and updated. The room was clean, breakfast was very good compared to other budget hotels. It's very close to the airport, there is a free shuttle from and to the airport. The bus for the city center goes through the hotel entrance.

  • en

    sheilao'regan sommers


    Good size, clean & wonderful staff. Especially John at check-in/reception. Really good place to spend the night before or after flight. Close by with airport shuttle. Restaurant has good food & drinks. Breakfast buffet is outstanding go

  • en

    Dobrinka Denkovska


    Great place for great price. Nice and clean , rooms had everything you might need.staff spoke English and was very polite. The bar was open late with great selection of food and drinks. Shuttle was a available to and from the airport ,20 min drive with a few stops at other hotels nearby. Would recommend .

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