Hôtel du Parlement de Ixelles

BelgiqueHôtel du Parlement



🕗 horaire

24, Rue du Parnasse, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 512 07 13
site web: hotelduparlement.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.838287, Longitude: 4.371809

commentaires 5

  • en

    Société Anonyme


    I thought i was staying in Sierra Leone ! Expensive rates for no reason ! Never again !

  • en

    Joanna Olga


    Perfect location, helpful staff, good WiFi

  • Tim Tregenza

    Tim Tregenza


    Good location tired rooms

  • Roisin



    Even though other reviewers seem to dislike it, I loved the old-fashioned look of this hotel. The triple room was huge with a king sized bed and a single bed. Had no problem with cleanliness, wasn't the best but it's not bad! The bathroom was fine too. There are bars and restaurants just outside too so it's super lively, as well as the parliament (obviously). The walk to the station is a bit of a trek though.

  • Nataly Alarcon

    Nataly Alarcon


    The bed was comfortable. Good location for the event I had. But the distribution of the bathroom wasn't very handy, difficult to brush your teeth, looking at the mirror, etc.

Lodging la plus proche

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