Hostellerie Munten de Weert

BelgiqueHostellerie Munten


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

276, Wilhelminasingel, 6001 GV, Weert, Weert, NL Netherlands
contact téléphone: +31 495 531 057
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.2563814, Longitude: 5.7044131

commentaires 5

  • en

    Grzegorz Zygfryd Nowicki


    Very nice apartment on the last floor

  • CAB



    Value for money

  • en

    Irmice Peterson


    A lovely hotel with good service, friendly staff and a great restaurant.

  • Max Vinken

    Max Vinken


    Stayin at hostellerie Munten for a mid week because of work. The room is gread, the bed is really comfortable and the bathroom is clean and nice. It has a batch/shower combo. The breakfast is great, a lot of choice and nice fresh baked bread. They have great service and the staff is friendly.

  • Pawel Durys

    Pawel Durys


    Cozy hotel in nice small Dutch town. Staff is very helpful even with change notes to coins used in parking meter on the road which not always accept cards

Lodging la plus proche

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