Hostellerie Le Charme de la Semois de Vresse-sur-Semois

BelgiqueHostellerie Le Charme de la Semois


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12, Rue de Liboichant, 5550, Vresse-sur-Semois, Namur, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 61 50 80 70
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8466137, Longitude: 4.9695594

commentaires 5

  • Thomas S

    Thomas S


    Review of room 51. Downlights installed directly over bed force you to either get blinded by them or stay in darkness. Safe for valuables (dark box) installed directly below another down light which makes that also not so useful and highlights the ugly safe. Bath is a white dessert besides the floor which is brown where people usually walk and dark brown where they don't (hint clean it to have even color, yes its dirty). The sweets put on bed should be changed from a 2 cent no brand bonbon to something which makes you really welcome. Other parts of room also not clean. Power outlet slightly broken. Door handle glued to the , which would be fine if it wouldn't look ugly and the room is not priced for such hacky repairs. Overall not worth the price.

  • Rudy Everaert

    Rudy Everaert


    Charming hotel. Fantastic rooms

  • Fabio Marreco

    Fabio Marreco


    One of the best restaurants in the region. The dishes are very well prepared. English spoken, the service is great.

  • Dries Brouckaert

    Dries Brouckaert


    Last minute arrival and great hosting. Thank you. There's Orval beer

  • Rob Vanspauwen

    Rob Vanspauwen


    Very nice charming and clean hotel with a beautiful view of the semois river. Very nice pool and cuisine. Room 46 has a great view of the landscape.

Lodging la plus proche

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