Honda Ring Motor in Anderlecht

BelgiëHonda Ring Motor



🕗 openingstijden

69, Rue Scheutveld, 1070, Anderlecht, BE Bélgica
contacten telefoon: +32 2 524 16 14
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.83863, Longitude: 4.316286

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Claude Segers


    Excellent service mercis

  • TheVongo



    Ik ben een toyota rijder . Heb gekozen voor sportiever te gaan . Ben bij honda terecht geraakt. Nu heb ik een honda civic 1.5 sport besteld. Correcte prijzen en zekers te vermelden vriendelijk personeel.

  • fr

    Anthony Van den Meerssche


    Excellent voiture et un bon garage

  • en

    Zvonko Bogdan


    Disappointed. I used to do regular service in this garage for last few years, and I was pleased by their quickness and friendly staff. Recently my Honda Accord had a low headlight intensity, and it couldn't pass the technical control. I took the car to this garage, and they proposed headlight replacement, 479eur cost! I went to another service, they dried the headlight from inside with a hair dryer and problem solved! They didn't want to charge me, but I gave them 20eur. I think this is VERY unprofessional. Don't go there for anything other than regular services

  • Kevin Van Den Borre

    Kevin Van Den Borre


    J'ai deja u 3 voitures chez eux,Frv 2007,Civic2008 et CRV 2017 mon père 2 accords,mon grand pere 1 Shuttle,mes beau parents un CRV 2017 ...tout le monde est ravi du service...

Auto reparatie in de buurt

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