Holiday park Center Parcs De Vossemeren de Lommel

BelgiqueHoliday park Center Parcs De Vossemeren


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🕗 horaire

145, Elzen, 3920, Lommel, Limburg, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 11 54 82 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.255464, Longitude: 5.3272964

commentaires 5

  • en

    Maarten Smout


    Cheap get-away for a large group of friends, but swimming pool still feels somewhat crowded. Excellent and helpful staff though!

  • en

    Bauke de Vries


    Love this parc. Very many trees, much privacy around the bungalows. Nice staff, who are very helpfull. Got diner at evergreenz, which i can recommend. Biljart is pretty expensive. Pool is very nice.

  • Neil Ainsworth

    Neil Ainsworth


    Lots to do, great for family fun. Accommodation basic and a little tired but fine. Had a great time!

  • miguel cuenca

    miguel cuenca


    They are greedy for money. Have to pay for everything. Food is bad and expensive. Kids have loads of fun

  • en

    Karen Poole


    Quiet location. Pleasant area. Cottages are reasonable although mattress is very soft. Cooking facilities are good. Cycling around village is great. Bike hire is available. Discovery bay and swimming pools and slides are included and are excellent. Lots of other things that are not included and not as good. Food on the more expensive side but ok.

Camping la plus proche

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